Experience OpenGLĀ« for Three-Dimensional Modeling right from your PC Desktop with Hummingbird's Exceed 3D

Display and Develop OpenGL X Applications from within your Windows NT environment

With Hummingbird's optionally available Exceed 3D, users can access, display and develop high-end applications, like CAD/CAM engineering programs and computer animation software, on Windows 95 and Windows NT based PCs. Exceed 3D is the first PC X server to support OpenGL, an industry standard graphics software interface developed by Silicon Graphics, Inc. Exceed 3D lets users display OpenGL - based applications running on UNIX workstations across the network. Plus, with Exceed 3D's development tools, users can develop OpenGL X based applications on Windows 95 and Windows NT PCs. Animated 3-D local OpenGL X demos are included.

Display OpenGL Applications
on Windows NT PCs

Exceed 3D is the interface between OpenGL and the Exceed PC X server.

Supported features include:

  • Simultaneous multiple server visuals
  • Direct rendering
  • Overloaded X visuals to support GLX extended attributes (e.g. single/double buffering)
  • RGBA color mode, Color Index color mode
  • Viewing and modeling transformations
  • Lighting and shading
  • Anti-aliasing
  • Texture mapping
  • Hidden surface removal (Depth Buffer)
  • Atmospheric effects (fog, smoke, haze)

Users Who Wish To Display OpenGL Applications On Windows NT Desktops Need:

  • Exceed 3D for Windows NT
  • Exceed 5 for Windows NT v5.1 or higher or Exceed 5 XDK for Windows NT v5.1 or higher
  • Microsoft Windows NT v3.51 or higher

On Windows 95 Desktops You Need:

  • Exceed 3D for Windows 95
  • Exceed 5 for Windows 95 v5.1.3 or Exceed 5 XDK for Windows 95 v5.1.3
  • Microsoft Windows 95

Develop OpenGL Applications on
Windows 95 and Windows NT PCs

Exceed 3D includes the OpenGL extension for X Windows, called GLX, and provides a full suite of GLX libraries and tools required for developing three-dimensional OpenGL applications on Windows 95 and Windows NT systems with Hummingbird's X Development toolkits. Exceed 3D provides a set of sample applications and includes the OpenGL X Development Kit supporting:

  • HCLGLX: The core OpenGL extension to X libarary
  • HCLGLU: OpenGL Utility support library
  • HCLNURBS: Numerical Uniform Relational B-Spline
  • HCLAUX: Auxiliary library, providing simple window system independent interface
  • HCLGLUT: Utility toolkit, providing simple window system independent interface

Users Who Wish To Develop OpenGL Applications On Windows NT Desktops Need:

  • Exceed 3D for Windows NT
  • Exceed 5 XDK for Windows NT v5.1 or higher
  • Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 or higher

On Windows 95 Desktops You Need:

  • Exceed 3D for Windows 95
  • Exceed 5 XDK for Windows 95 v5.1.3
  • Microsoft Windows 95

OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics Inc.